C & C Outdoor Academy, LLC

Mar 6, 2016   //   by staff@missouricarry.com   //   Kansas City, Training Locations

Name – Glenn Childress
Phone – (417) – 327 – 6810

C & C Outdoor Academy, LLC
Cross Timbers, Hickory County
$75.00 per student. Group rates available.
8 hour course.
NRA Certified Firearms Instructor.
Outdoor shooting range on site. Dress for the weather.
Eye and ear protection available, if needed.
Bring your firearm and at least 40 rounds of ammunition.
Firearms available, if needed.
Bring lunch, snacks and drinks. Water and coffee provided.
Springfield area.
Phone: 417-327-6810 (if no answer, please leave a message)
Email: grchild67@yahoo.com grchild67@yahoo.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/c&coutdooracademy